I’ve always wanted to be a writer. As a kid I was constantly making up stories and writing them down, first in a notebook, then in my very first computer. I was obsessed with the written word and what it could do for me.
I’ve also always been fascinated by human nature. How do people think? What makes us tick and why?
When I chose to double major in English and Psychology, I wasn’t planning on going into marketing (I don’t think content marketing was even a thing yet), but it turned out to be the perfect way to combine my two passions into one exciting career.
While I still make up stories in my spare time, I prefer to fill my days telling your story. What do you have to offer your customers and why should they care? Figuring out what makes your small business unique and special, then translating that into a story that will resonate with your target audience, is what I do all day every day and I love it. So reach out today if you’re ready to start spreading your story.